By Tony Horton, creator of P90X®
So a duck walks into a bar . . . Did you know that there's actually a scientific name for the study of laughter? It's gelotology. Laughter is such an important part of our everyday lives that it can actually make us healthier. Smiling and laughing release all kinds of good chemicals and hormones in our bodies—the physiological and psychological effects are well-documented. And let's face it, laughing at a good joke or situation, funny or not, just plain old makes us feel better. But how does laughter work? And how can we use it to make our lives healthier and happier?
We actually get exercise when we laugh or smile. Yes, it takes fewer muscles to laugh or smile than it does to frown, but it's much more fun. So for once, I'm telling you to exercise less, smile or laugh more, and you'll be healthier. Laughter is such an important part of my life that I make an effort to surround myself with friends who make me laugh.
Research shows that laughter actually protects the heart. Researchers don't know exactly why, but studies show that when we're stressed, the endothelium—the protective layer in our blood vessels—decreases, thus allowing cholesterol to build up in our arteries. Heartfelt laughter can lower the serum cortisol released during a stress response and can, therefore, lower the risk of hardening of the arteries. It has also been linked to lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes; it increases antibodies and killer cells in our bloodstreams, thus helping us fight off disease; and it increases blood flow. And get this: laughing 100 times equals the same aerobic output as 10 minutes on a rowing machine or treadmill.
So how do we use laughter in our daily lives? How do we turn the tide of negativity and stress that so often makes up the bulk of our days? We simply make a choice. Decide in your head that you're going to seek out the positive—the humor—in any given situation. Granted, not all situations warrant laughter or smiling. I don't want anyone to get punched. But the next time you see another person, anywhere, smile at him or her. Not only will you feel better, they will too; and it's fun to watch people's reactions. Flood your mind with thoughts that make you smile—a good joke, a friend you haven't seen in a while, a great trip you once took, a goal you reached or are going to conquer—anything positive that will bring a smile to your face or make you laugh. That's half the battle; the body naturally takes over from there. When you're confronted with a stressful situation, smiling actually reverses the stress-induced chemical response in your body. And chances are that if you smile, the situation will be diffused before you can even think about stressing out.
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