By Joe Wilkes
Today we discuss the most popular drink in the world: coffee. I don't actually know where these statistics come from, but since we mainly want to discuss one ingredient, caffeine, I'll lump coffee, tea, and other caffeinated beverages into the same discussion so that we'll be sure to address something that's pertinent to almost all of you. Coffee and tea have been around for the entirety of recorded history, so no matter what science tells us, we begin this edition with some time-tested knowledge that people don't go around dropping dead over the stuff, nor will it get you banned for cheating when you win at the Olympics (unless it's too much).

Coffee and tea are probably the most controversial substances we consume. Unlike, say, soda, candy, chocolate, and fast food—which we know are detrimental to our diets—studies swing both ways over the benefits and dangers of our morning cup of java. But whatever the outcome, we drink the stuff with an almost ritualistic glee. If you drink neither coffee nor tea, you're an outsider in almost any culture on the planet.
Coffee, tea, and other caffeinated drinks

Both have other assorted nutrients, mainly antioxidants, all of which are quite healthy. The downside is that both are acidic to the point that habitual consumption can cause stomach problems in some people. But the main hit or miss with folks when it comes to coffee or tea is the caffeine. After this, their choices are usually made by taste, ritual, or the culture they live in.

Can coffee or tea make you fat?

The only things in coffee or tea that can make you fat are the things you add to them. The menu at your local Starbucks contains stuff that makes coffee merely a side dish, if that. And traditional drinks such as Thai iced tea are only tea in name. Therefore, just because something calls itself "coffee" or "tea" doesn't mean that's all there is to the story. Like with most foods, reading labels is important. We’ll talk more about coffee drinks next time.
The latest research
Coffee has been in the headlines a lot recently. You may have caught the headlines a while back stating that it could give you a heart attack. Or maybe you caught the study touting it as a superfood, which came out at the same time! Certainly, you've heard that it's a banned substance by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) due to its performance-enhancing qualities. But then why, you wonder, did you just see a headline saying you should avoid it prior to a workout? And what about that study stating that if you drank enough coffee, it would stave off the effects of all that alcohol you consume?
Coffee, tea, and caffeine are perhaps the most widely studied things we put into our bodies (over 19,000 recent recorded studies), yet no definitive stance can be found on the stuff. If this seems odd, we must consider the fact that studies need to be funded and a lot of money can skew a study to say this or that—a subject I touch on often in my blog (see "The Straight Dope" below). At any rate, let's wade into some of the more recent headlines, and try to make some sense out of them.
Will coffee give you a heart attack?

For over 4 years, a large Costa Rican study examined the relationship among 503 nonfatal heart attacks. The study found that most of the subjects drank coffee prior to having the heart attack. In the stats, it appeared that light coffee drinkers were at more risk than heavy coffee drinkers. This, as you might suppose, caused some confusion.
Looking deeper into the abstract, we see that the researchers think that the coffee/heart attack relationship stems from a rare gene variation in some people. They also stated that their research was "far from conclusive." The report on Yahoo!® made no mention of the gene variant and, instead, went with the more alarmist "those at risk" line because "who isn't, right?" The study also clearly stated that most of the population was at zero risk from drinking coffee.
The bottom line of the study was that most of the population was not at risk, and the few that might be, also may not be. So, for now, I'll side with Dr. Robert Eckel, former president of the American Heart Association, and remain "unconvinced."

Can you lose your gold medal?
Not anymore. In 2004, the IOC removed caffeine from its list of banned items. Prior to that, athletes could be busted for drinking about five or more cups of coffee. Certainly, this means that some highly regarded scientists once thought it was an ergogenic (a performance enhancer). But was it removed because it was found to be ineffective, as there are now better ways of "cheating," or because the coffee lobby contributed to the IOC? Time may or may not tell, but one thing's for sure: many people believe caffeine enhances performance.

But again, there's a lot more science showing that it has positive physical effects, even if they stem from better brain function. An Austrian study using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging to assess memory skills showed that there was a marked improvement in motor skills and memory after subjects ingested 100 milligrams of caffeine. The study cautioned that the progression was not linear (meaning that more is definitely not better). But the test concluded that caffeine was a a performance enhancer.
According to physiologist Terry Graham, PhD, of the University of Guelph in Canada, "What caffeine likely does is stimulate the brain and nervous system to do things differently. That may include signaling you to ignore fatigue or recruit extra units of muscle for intense athletic performance." And as to whether this better aids strength or endurance sports he adds, "What's amazing about it is that unlike some performance-enhancing manipulation athletes do that are specific for strength or endurance, studies show that caffeine positively enhances all of these things."
Is coffee a superfood?

Yet, analyzing data—of 126,000 people and gathered over 18 years—has led to an almost astonishing number of likely health benefits, including lowering your risk of diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and colon cancer; improving mood; appeasing headaches; and even lessening the risk of cavities.
In some cases, even the "all things in moderation" cliché was put to the test. For example, drinking one cup to three cups a day reduced type 2 diabetes risk by single digits, whereas drinking six or more cups per day slashed men's risk by 54 percent and women's risk by 30 percent. Maybe it's just because coffee makes you want to get up and do something; those participants who reduced their risk may have exercised more.
These findings have been routinely backed up by further studies. At least six studies indicate that coffee drinkers are up to 80 percent less likely to develop Parkinson's disease, with three showing the more they drank, the lower the risk. Other research shows that compared to not drinking coffee, at least two cups daily can cut your risk of gallstones in half, provide a 25 percent reduced chance of contracting colon cancer, and offer a whopping 80 percent decline in liver cirrhosis risk. So abundant is this research that caffeine is added to certain medications to treat headaches, mood, asthma, and now Parkinson's disease.
So is it time to hit Starbucks?

Speaking of Frapps, that's where we're headed next time. See you then!
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