By Tony Horton, creator of P90X®
So you're saying to yourself, "Tony's giving me tips on how to improve the look of my skin?" Yes! That's because better health isn't all about push-ups and pull-ups, you know. Your skin needs some attention too. And I've learned to listen to the smart women in my life who know about this stuff. Healthy, glowing, youthful skin is something we all appreciate and want to hold on to as best we can. With high-end skin creams selling for as much as $400 per ounce (and with little evidence that they actually do even a percentage of what their labels promise), it might not be such a bad idea to head to the market and pick up foods loaded with nutrients that are known to have sun-protecting, skin-hydrating, and even wrinkle-preventing powers.

Manhattan-based dermatologist Amy Wechsler, MD, recommends the following as the best foods for your skin.
- "Eat more fruits and vegetables!" I know you've heard this your entire life, but if I told you they prevent wrinkles, would you be more likely to take this advice to heart? The antioxidants in fruits and veggies work to get rid of free radicals that damage cells and contribute to just about everything that affects your skin, from dryness to wrinkles. Dr. Wechsler's top picks: sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, and tomatoes.
- Vitamin C the easy way? Eat some citrus every day. Your body can't store wrinkle-fighting, collagen-building vitamin C, so you have to replenish your supplies throughout the day for optimal benefits. The doc's top picks: oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit. Yes, you can only eat so many oranges, so feel free to juice out your vitamin C, add a squeeze of lemon or lime to foods, or throw some grapefruit in a salad. A little here and a little there adds up over the day.
- Go green. One of the most important nutrients for your skin is vitamin A, and certain dark-green veggies are chock-full of it. Whether they're fresh, frozen, raw, or steamed, Dr. Wechsler's top three choices are spinach, turnip greens, and broccoli—all pack a vitamin A punch. What's so great about vitamin A? It supports skin cell turnover, which promotes cell growth and development. Without it, skin gets dry, tough, and scaly.
Speaking of green. Have a cup of tea—green tea, that is. All true teas contain the antioxidant EGCG (epigallocatechin 3-gallate), and green tea has the most. EGCG fights inflammatory chemicals that promote acne and sun-related aging of the skin. On top of that, green tea has L-theanine, an amino acid that reduces the flow of cortisol, which helps keep collagen fibers intact.
- If you can't grow it, fish for it. Omega-3 fatty acids have all kinds of benefits for your overall health, including properties that fight aging in your skin. Omega-3s fight inflammation, which is a top skin-ager, and help protect against sunburn (we all know how bad that is for skin). The protein in fish has restorative powers to boot. The doc's top fish picks: salmon, tuna, trout, sardines, Atlantic mackerel, Pacific herring, and even most shellfish. Unlike veggies, fish is one age-fighter you don't want to go overboard with. Concerns about mercury levels in some fish caution us to limit seafood or freshwater fish to about two meals per week.
And don't forget—exercise is also important for promoting healthy, youthful skin, so eat these nutritious foods in conjunction with a fitness regimen, like P90X® or 10-Minute Trainer®.
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