By Team Beachbody

- What is the minimum number of push-ups a Ranger should be able to do in 2 minutes? The Rangers require a soldier to do at least 57 push-ups in 2 minutes. However, as is the case for all Special Forces, they look for people to go well above the minimum. In fact, they look for someone to do at least 80 push-ups in that time. As research for this quiz, I tried to see how many push-ups I could do in 2 minutes, and the answer is that I'm no Army Ranger. To borrow a line from a favorite comedian: "In the event of a war, I'm a hostage."
- What is the recommended number of sit-ups a Ranger should be able to do in 2 minutes? As with push-ups, the recommended number is at least 80. The minimum is 66. My cousin is an officer in the army, and I asked him about the army employing Shaun T's "Tilt, Tuck & Tighten" technique for getting some ripped military abs, and he told me they'd get on it immediately. He also said they're going to replace "Reveille" with some Lil Wayne.
- What is the maximum acceptable time for a Ranger to make a 2-mile run? The soldier must complete the run in less than 15 minutes and 30 seconds, but the recommended time is sub-13 minutes. That's an average of a little more than 6 minutes per mile, which is a difficult pace to maintain over that distance. I did it once, but it was only to escape an extremely awkward social situation.
- What is the recommended time in which a soldier should make a 12-mile road march carrying a 35-pound pack? The Rangers look for an applicant to make this difficult trek in a little more than 2 hours, with a maximum time of 3 hours. The training in the military is so intense that it can make you hallucinatory. My cousin told me a story about a long hike he had to endure (much longer than 12 miles) during his training. He came across a fellow soldier who was pounding his fists on a tree. My cousin asked him what was wrong, and the guy replied, "I'm not going anywhere until this machine gives me my Mountain Dew!"
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