By Team Beachbody

Exercise helps you burn calories and convert fat to muscle. Adding exercise to your life will make you feel and look better by giving you stronger muscles and a trim body.

Your body's main source of energy is calories. Calories provide your body with the fuel it needs to perform basic life functions. About one-third of these calories are used for energy, another one-third to produce heat. . . and the rest? Your body converts and stores them as fat! If you want to lose weight you must burn these excess calories before they turn into fat. The key is to not only limit calories but to also burn them with regular exercise.

All physical movement requires your body to use calories. Each time you walk, nod your head, make a fist or even blink, calories are being burned. Burning additional calories throughout the day is as simple as becoming more active. This can involve anything from shaking your hips to walking your dog. Forget the myth that exercise must be done in a gym. Exercise and calorie-burning can be done anywhere: in a car seat, at a desk, in a kitchen. The idea is to start finding little ways to integrate movement and physical activity into your daily routine. If you want to lose weight permanently and get healthy, you must activate your lifestyle.