By Team Beachbody

This is probably not the first time you've heard that you should begin each day with a good low-fat, high-fiber breakfast. If you skip this meal you will be setting yourself up for an appetite that is harder to control later in the day.

Even if you feel you can make it to lunch without eating, don't! Keeping yourself from getting hungry by keeping your body fed with small meals is one of the keys to healthy weight management. A great breakfast food is cold or hot cereal with fresh fruit. Try Cheerios, Raisin Bran, oatmeal or any cereal that has at least 3 grams of fiber and little or no fat. Make sure to keep an eye on how much you serve—you might be in the habit of pouring a big bowl of cereal when a smaller amount would do.

To add real flavor to your bowl, try adding:
  • Raisins
  • Dates
  • Blueberries, strawberries or blackberries (fresh or frozen)
  • Sliced bananas
  • Fresh melon
  • Touch of brown sugar or honey
If you are adding milk, be sure to use fat-free milk. Since whole milk contains 150 calories per 1-cup serving and fat-free milk contains only 80 calories, you will slash almost half the amount of calories by making this one simple change.

Stay away from butter, margarine, muffins, bagels and low-fiber bread. These foods are loaded with empty calories that won't fill you. In the event you are on the run and a bagel or muffin is the only option, eating half the serving (half a bagel with a light spread, or half a muffin) will keep you on track.

Eat a healthy breakfast from now on and watch your energy soar as you move closer to your healthy goals.

Tip: Instead of drinking juice, eat the fruit. You will add 3 to 5 grams of fiber per serving, which will help you curb your appetite naturally. If you do drink juice, remember that even juice adds to your daily calorie count, so you should keep an eye on the serving size.