By Tony Horton
Exercising and eating right help you feel better. When you feel better, you do more. When you do more, you meet other people. A healthy lifestyle gives us the energy to be better than before. We want to participate, share, communicate, and build a community. If you'd never found Beachbody®, you might be right back where you were—isolated and with nothing to share, because you weren't doing anything with anyone.

We come together because we all have one thing in common—the desire to improve our lives. Anyone willing to explore the Message Boards is given the opportunity to participate in something truly unique. The intent to help yourself turns into a chance to save someone else's life. We're planting seeds that affect much more than our own weight loss and improved fitness. The moment we decide to share our stories, we create an energy shift so powerful that it has the potential to change the world.
When we're in a state of fear and anxiety, the people around us aren't too thrilled either. If we have the energy to be kind, wise, and loving, we lift up everyone around us. The difference between these two states is CHOICE. Before P90X or Power 90®, many of you were overwhelmed, sick, and tired. Shortly after you started the program (even before you saw any real physical change), something remarkable started to happen. You felt better.
When you feel good, you act quite differently than when you feel overwhelmed and tired. The people around you don't need be told what kind of mood you're in. They know. Your behavior (good and bad) has tons of energy and power that affect everyone in your world. You are what you eat and what you do! If you eat junk and do nothing, friends and family will sink with you or abandon ship—not a terribly inspiring or productive outcome. If you choose to devote your time and energy to health and fitness with wisdom and courage, you become a beacon of energy so powerful, you could change the lives of thousands of people.
A healthy, fit body directly affects the mind and soul. The brain and body are one. The reason so many people reach for cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, and fast food is because it makes them feel good . . . for now. These short-term pleasures deliver myriad physiological and psychological disorders and diseases down the road. Short-term bouts of exercise, on the other hand, will guarantee the opposite result—a lifetime of good health, energy, self-reliance, and hope.
"If you look after the body, the fragrance of the mind and spirit will come of itself." —B.K.S. Iyengar

Purpose is the driving force that moves you from here to there. Your purpose for taking care of yourself is based on intention and resolution. If your intentions aren't clear, strong, and true, the best food and supplements and perfect workouts won't help you discover your purpose. What are your intentions? Do you want to find resolution? What is your $64,000 question? If it's about looking hot for the weekend fitness camp, how will that hold up come Monday? Short-term goals are nice. It's one way to stay in the game. But if you want to make a worldwide impact, then put your energy into the long-term goals.
The key to success for Power 90 and P90X comes to people who figure out that when you share your experiences, your wisdom, your love, and your truth, you begin to know what it is to live like that 3 percent. The Message Boards, chat rooms, and WOWY® SuperGym can be precious commodities—we are given an opportunity to share everything about our journey with people going through the same thing.
Discovery + Learning + Sharing = Bliss!
Tony H.
Tony H.
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