By Steve Edwards
"Don't want to look small!" —Lou Ferrigno in Pumping Iron
Guys have a thing for mass. It's hard to explain, really, but boys seem to grow up wanting nothing more than to be big. Guys want speedboats and trucks, and they want to look like The Hulk, regardless of what their wives may think of green skin. If this sounds like you, here's the article you've been looking for: customizing P90X® for mass.

Even if mass is your only goal, make sure to read the subsequent articles in the series on customizing the X. The principles discussed in subsequent articles will be put to use here. To look like The Hulk, you don't need to have a mad scientist father, but you do need to consider science as we know it. The articles that have appeared in our last few issues all led up to the question: what is mass?
What is mass?
Because many of our Success Stories, not to mention Tony, aren't exactly skinny, we must begin by defining mass—most of you are looking for more. Mass simply means size. As part of the word massive, we assume it means above average in size. It doesn't, but that's beside the point. A program targeting mass is concerned with one thing: muscle growth (from here on in referred to as hypertrophy), and a lot of it.
In a training cycle for mass, we should target hypertrophy even at the expense of other fitness goals. P90X is not a system designed for mass. It's designed for overall fitness, which means that ultimate gains in targeted areas, like speed, strength, flexibility, and muscle growth, are compromised to provide a program that improves all of your body's physical energy systems during one 90-day effort. We feel as though this is the preferred training system because it addresses the big picture. But if your picture is quite literally being bigger, then you'll need to read on.
You've read about the capacity for improvement throughout this series, so here's where I tell you to do a round of P90X as it's designed before embarking on a mass-specific program. It's healthier, sure, but it's more than that. Training all of your body's energy systems until they're running efficiently increases your body's ability to do, well, anything. Part of anything includes looking like Lou Ferrigno. Once you've done a round of the X and aced your fit test, the foundation has been laid. You're ready to start gettin' big.

The difference between size and strength
As we touched on last time, hypertrophy training simply increases the size of the muscle. Strength training increases the efficiency of the muscle. Large muscles have a greater capacity for strength. Absolute strength is the ability of the muscle to use all of its muscle cells for movement. People in sports dependent on strength-to-weight ratios target high muscular efficiency in their training, whereas those in sheer size-dependent sports will focus more on hypertrophy. Most sports are somewhat dependent on both size and strength, which are ideally improved during different cycles of training.
The periodizational concepts that have been discussed in prior issues need to be explained here before a mass schedule is created. Remember that a standard schedule would look similar to this:
Foundation phase (Power 90® or what you did pre-X) + block 1 + transition/recovery + block 2 + transition/recovery + block 3 + recovery = peak (final fit test)
The difference here is that we're going to structure an entire training cycle based only on hypertrophy. This means we won't be setting up a peak phase. Over a long period of time, you would want to teach your muscles how to function more efficiently. We'll get to this at the end.
For now, we'll just say that there is still a periodizational approach to consider. You will still adapt, gain, and plateau over time, so we'll need a structure to keep this happening. But the structure will be dependent simply on rep schemes (the number of repetitions that you target to bring you to failure) and progressive overload. The blocks of our 90-day schedule will each target a different number of repetitions, which you'll want to aim for to induce failure. But because we're not changing the schedule much, and thus creating less Muscle Confusion™, we won't need such frequent recovery phases.
Progressive overload

The more we can focus on hypertrophy, the more muscle we'll gain. Since we only have so much energy to expend, this means we should spend less time working on other areas. This is where you'll see the biggest differences from the traditional P90X schedules. When you're not training for hypertrophy, your entire focus should be on preparing your body to create more hypertrophy. Therefore, the P90X mass schedule will have a lot of active recovery and flexibility work and very little intense cardio. This means we'll spend more time recovering during each training block and taking fewer periods focused solely on recovery.
Putting it all together
Before we get to the schedule, here are some general things to consider. The first is pacing. Instead of following the kids in the videos, target your rep scheme (and push pause when necessary). Do each set to failure (if you can add enough resistance; if not, get as close as you can), and don't exceed your targeted number of reps. Do not, however, use the pause button simply to increase the time between exercises.
A good way to choose the resistance for each movement is to use enough so that you can only do the lower number of your targeted rep scheme. Once you can do the higher number, it's time to increase the resistance.
Do your repetitions slowly and with control. Speed is for power, not size. Focus on perfect form and only add weight when you can do each rep with great form.
When you're done, you're done. You don't need to finish an entire workout if you're struggling. Once you lose the ability to move the weight or do the move in strict form, stop the workout. Any further training would only create more breakdown than you could recover from and increase your risk of injury.
Your diet

Block 1, phase 2
Weeks 4 through 6
Weeks 4 through 6
- Day 1: Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps
- Day 2: Cardio X, Ab Ripper X
- Day 3: Legs & Back
- Day 4: X Stretch; Ab Ripper X or Abs/Core Plus (from P90X Plus)
- Day 5: Back & Biceps
- Day 6: Yoga X
- Day 7: Off Targeted number of reps: 8 to 12 (focus on 10 to 12)
Block 1, phase 1
Weeks 1 through 3
Weeks 1 through 3
- Day 1: Chest & Back
- Day 2: Cardio X, Ab Ripper X
- Day 3: Shoulders & Arms
- Day 4: X Stretch; Ab Ripper X or Abs/Core Plus
- Day 5: Legs & Back
- Day 6: Yoga X
- Day 7: Off Targeted number of reps: 8 to 12 (focus on 8 to 10)
Recovery Block
Week 7
Week 7
- Day 1: X Stretch
- Day 2: Yoga X
- Day 3: Core Synergistics
- Day 4: Kenpo X
- Day 5: Yoga X
- Day 6: X Stretch
- Day 7: Off
Block 2, phase 1
Weeks 8 and 9
Weeks 8 and 9
- Day 1: Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps
- Day 2: Cardio X, Ab Ripper X
- Day 3: Legs & Back
- Day 4: X Stretch; Ab Ripper X or Abs/Core Plus
- Day 5: Back & Biceps
- Day 6: Yoga X
- Day 7: Off
- Day 8: Chest & Back
- Day 9: Cardio X, Ab Riper X
- Day 10: Shoulders & Arms
- Day 11: X Stretch; Ab Ripper X or Abs/Core Plus
- Day 12: Legs & Back
- Day 13: Yoga X
- Day 14: Off Targeted number of reps: 6 to 10
Block 2, phase 2
Weeks 10 and 11
Weeks 10 and 11
Same schedule as weeks 8 and 9
Targeted number of reps: 4 to 8
Targeted number of reps: 4 to 8
Block 2, phase 3
Week 12
Week 12
Same schedule as weeks 8 and 9
Targeted number of reps: 4 to 6
Targeted number of reps: 4 to 6
Final note: This is an entire cycle of training based only on hypertrophy. To have an athletically efficient physique, you should do other training cycles that target different goals. Even if your only goal is hypertrophy, training these other systems properly will improve your body's physical systems and increase your capacity for muscle growth, as well as the speed at which you can add or shed muscle and fat. So while you can tweak and reuse this basic structure over and over, it will also benefit you to get back to basics and do P90X classic from time to time.
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